Technology Manager
BioLab Inc. - A KIK Custom Products Company
Lawrenceville GA UNITED STATES

Dr. Vore is a technology manager at BioLab, Inc. His work focuses on the control of microbial growth in recreational water and household surfaces. Roy is a Certified Pool & Spa Operator, a member of NSPF’s Education Committee, an active contributor to APSP’s Recreational Water Quality Committee, was a major contributor to the Disinfection Water Quality module of the Model Aquatic Health Code (the “MAHC”), and the lead author of NSPF’s Recreational Water Illness handbook. Dr. Vore received his Ph.D. in bacterial physiology from the University of Arkansas and his masters and bachelors in microbiology from Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg Kansas. Dr. Vore has over 80 scholarly papers and presentations on the selection and use of industrial biocides, biocide testing methodology, the microbiological of swimming pools and spas, and the governmental regulation of biocides.

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